Picture of Simon Ray
Block slider
by Simon Ray - Friday, 12 August 2016, 7:26 AM

Hi all

Can anyone shed some light on how to utilise the block slider in the Framework (v2.0.0)?  I tried with three blocks with Narrative components but they just sat there as per normal.  Are there certain components that should go into the blocks?


It all seems to have installed correctly, but I'm not finding any deeper instructions than what is included in the readme file.



Picture of nigel delgaudio
Re: Block slider
by nigel delgaudio - Wednesday, 17 August 2016, 8:22 AM

Hi Simon,

I have successfully used the Articleslider and it is pretty straight forward and I would imagine similar to the Black slider. The options should be in the "extensions' section of either the article or block config menu.

If you don't see them, ensure you have enabled the extension in the 'extensions' options of the course settings.

Finally, there are some known issues where the extension options can 'go missing'. this is usually cured by re-installing the latest version of the plugin "increment version number"

If it still does not work, try the article slider, you can manufacture the same results for the most part with that.

Picture of Simon Ray
Re: Block slider
by Simon Ray - Thursday, 18 August 2016, 2:24 AM

Hi Nigel

Are you referring to the adapt builder or the adapt framework version of the slider?  If the framework, where are the options and how do I set them? I know enough code to use the framework mostly, but when I need to go deeper, I get a bit lost... :)




Picture of nigel delgaudio
Re: Block slider
by nigel delgaudio - Thursday, 18 August 2016, 8:34 AM

In the above instance, I was referring to the Authoring Tool.

If you are using the framework (code), I would expect you would just need to follow the example.json provided.

Be sure to check your ;  are all in the correct places to avoid any errors. As before, try the article slider as I am sure that it works and you can easily replicate the effect you would get from the block slider.

Picture of Nick Petch
Re: Block slider
by Nick Petch - Tuesday, 23 August 2016, 1:05 AM

Hi Simon

I have noticed slight quirk, not sure if it is a user error or a bug but...


I installed the block slide

created some articles, then populated them with block of content. I then applied the block slider to 1 or 3 articles. For a while I was unsure why it was not working, when I looked into it I noticed that the "is optional" setting for all articles, blocks and components was set to "False".


Now I have the course progress plugin installed, I'm not sure if this is globally setting this status, however, I went through and manually set "is optional" to "true" for everything and it is now functioning at desired.


Hope that helps.
