Picture of Subalakshmi A
problem with npm install
by Subalakshmi A - Sunday, 20 July 2014, 9:35 AM

I am trying to create a course with

1. installed nodejs

2. installed git

3. npm install adapt-cli -g

4. npm install grunt-cli -g

5. npm install

the following error after typing $npm install:
npm err! install couldn't read dependencies
npm err! package.json ENOENT, open 'C:\users\suba\package.json'D
npm err! package.json This is most likely not a problem with npm itself.
npm err! package.json npm can't find a package.json file in your current directory.

Can you help?

Aniket Dharia
Re: problem with npm install
by Aniket Dharia - Monday, 21 July 2014, 6:51 PM


This is a minor bug which cropped up recently. The team is working on it. We will keep you posted once it resolves. 

Re: problem with npm install
by Sven Laux - Tuesday, 22 July 2014, 8:55 AM
Picture of Subalakshmi A
Re: problem with npm install
by Subalakshmi A - Friday, 25 July 2014, 4:49 AM

Hi Aniket and Sven,

Its working fine for me

Thanks for your updation