Picture of Oscar Arango
Connecting to remote DB
by Oscar Arango - Wednesday, 2 March 2016, 3:36 PM

Hello fellow community,


Was woundering if anyone could shed some light on this, trying to configure Adapt auth to connect to an external database but not sure where I would add or edit the DB connection settings.  Somehow this chunk of code needs to get into Adapt.


"_id": "adapt.adapt",
"user": "auser",
"db": "adaptdb",
"credentials": {
"SCRAM-SHA-1": {
"iterationCount": 10000,
"salt": "wotyANqOU5YFkHYguBNIIg==",
"storedKey": "vuQC1+LNXU08M0RESg90GPe1Yjk=",
"serverKey": "lyZ0GFdEj3OzwkKhZvX4x6huAGU="
"roles": [
"role": "dbOwner",
"db": "adaptdb"

I'm looking at the config.js but not 100% sure.


thanks in advance.