Thanks Chris and Daryl,
I will go through all of the .less files with a fine-toothed comb and hopefully I'll find these extra style elements.
With regards to the menu with the 3 column layout and how it is displayed when you hit 700px - I will have to give this some more thought. I was definately going to go down the line of displaying each menu box at 100% as a list on top of each other for the phone screen size. I intend to work on this some more over the weekend and yes, of course I will be happy to share the new menu layout to the community site when its finished.
I am also thinking of another menu layout, which has a large image at the top with a horizontal row of medium-small boxes along the bottom - again, when it's done I'll share - presuming one like this has not already been done.
Thanks again for your help and advise :)