Picture of Fabio Beoni
Custom input control for component authoring
by Fabio Beoni - Friday, 30 June 2017, 12:27 PM


more then a question this is a proposal to the core dev team....

I saw in the wiki that you can have custom input form fields, to collect editor data for your plugin component, and those custom input fiels are based on Backbone model. Unfortunately as of now, you have to "hack" the authoring installation by manually copying your custom input source code.

I would ask the core dev team to take in consideration, if feasible, to make the authoring tool to look into the path


to load the Backbone custom input field. In that way developers who are creating new components may also release custom input fields with easy.

If the core dev team is interested on this, I offer some of my time to work with them.

Thanks, best.
