- Petra, Michael, Tony, Sven, Al
- Michael
- Has not been able to work on the project since last weeks call other than short discussions
- Has been discussing the detail from the schemas with Petra
- Has received Petra's work on asset management, ready for review
- No blockers but limited time available
- Next steps are to review asset management screens and incorporate schema data into designs
- Petra
- Has looked at JSON schemas for four components and made table of user inputs
- Has questions about some of the schemas (narrative appears not to be ready), especially which data items are required
- Has raised that we ought to incorporate the schemas for other items (e.g. courses, pages, blocks, components etc)
- Blockers: knowledge of required fields; question has been raised on framework developer chat
- Tony
- Has not been able to work on the design stream.
- Raised question about readiness of the asset management screens on Brian's behalf. We agreed that.
- Michael, Petra and Brian should have a direct chat.
- Sven
- Focused on roadmap and next release.
- Al
- Joined to see progress being made.
- Has recently reviewed other tools and offered to take the team through tools offer in the marketplace.