Picture of Thomas Berger
Re: CSS keyframes
by Thomas Berger - Friday, 3 April 2015, 12:19 PM

Storyline enables you to execute javascript within it’s triggers. So you can trigger custom jQuery events. Eg:

parent.window.$(parent.window.document).trigger('event-name', [event-data]);

Inside Adapt you can listen to this events and execute some functions, manipulate the Dom or do whatever. For instance within a View:

$(document).on(‘event-name’, this.someFunction());

I took the responsiveIframe component as a foundation and created a component that acts as an interface to an embedded storyline course. Right now, the component does have the following functionality (Demo):

  • The embedded Storyline course tells Adapt when to set Page Level progress
  • Add CSS-classes to show / hide Components based on Storyline
  • Pass Variables from Storyline to Adapt


Using the Storyline Variables inside Adapt:

Right now I trigger an Adapt Event with a storyline prefix to communicate the variables inside Adapt. Is there a way add this variables to Adapt so that all components could use them? Is there a Model that can be accessed by any Component?

Any other ideas or use cases are highly welcome.