Picture of Jason Butler
Re: Help with Tutor Extensions
by Jason Butler - Tuesday, 26 August 2014, 3:53 PM

Hi Todd -

Look at the adapt-contrib-assessment extension - this will give you tutor feedback at the end of an article with questions in it.

For example:

"_assessment": {
"_isEnabled": true,
"_isPercentageBased" : true,
"_scoreToPass" : 100,
"_completionMessage" : {
"title" : "",
"message": "[FEEDBACK]"
"_bands": [
"_score": 0,
"feedback": "<h5>Not quite</h5><p><strong>You need to answer all of the questions correctly to pass.</strong></p>"
"_score": 100,
"feedback": "<h5>Well done!</h5><p><strong>Great, you’ve answered all of the questions correctly and have now completed this module.</strong></p>"

If you want feedback on a component by component basis - populate the feedback fields for correct / incorrect etc in the question component concerned.