Picture of Lars Halkjær
Removed Resources PDF file reappears
by Lars Halkjær - Thursday, 17 February 2022, 11:44 PM

I am creating a course in two languages: Danish and Icelandic.

Danish is used in the Authoring Tool and the Icelandic version is created using the grunt CSV import/export translation features.

I end up with a course with a "src\course\da" folder and a "src\course\is" folder, each containing the JSON files (and assets files) for each language.

The course uses the Resources extension to provide 3 PDF files to the user.
One of the PDF files is not available for the Icelandic version, so I removed it from the "course/_resources/_resourcesItems" array in the Icelandic course.json file, leaving only 2 PDF files in this version.

But when I build the course the third PDF file still shows up in the Icelandic version (with its Danish title).
Even though it is not in the "src\course\is\course.json" file, it appears in the "build\course\is\course.json" file.

Is there a way to avoid this (and why does it happen)?