Picture of Joannes Anthonius Rommers
Bookmarking extension available for frontend?
by Joannes Anthonius Rommers - Friday, 31 July 2015, 7:33 AM

Hi all,

I am fiddling with a SCROM output via the frontend (publish feature).

All is well except for the fact that when I use the package in Moodle it doesn't retain the location I am at in the file. After reading through this forum I started to wonder if I needed the Bookmarking extension for this.

I installed the bookmarking extension in the framework "adapt install adapt-contrib-bookmarking"

But can't see the extension in the frontend to use. Probably because the extension is installed via the adapt CLI. Therefor my question is the bookmarking extension functional for the frondend tool of Adapt? And if so how do I install it for the frondend to use.