Picture of Brian Quinn
Re: Adopting Adapt: non-technical users
by Brian Quinn - Tuesday, 8 December 2015, 5:46 PM

Hi Bola,

Out of curiosity, did you attempt the Vagrant Installation or the Server Installation (outlined here: https://github.com/adaptlearning/adapt_authoring/blob/master/README.md)?  As of v0.1.4 the Vagrant scripts should work, although there may be an issue with Windows 10 right now.  I'd encourage anybody not comfortable with aspects of the technical installation to follow the Vagrant steps.  It shouldn't take more than 20-30 minutes.

As Tom has said, we're a bit away from version 1.0 right now. I agree that installation videos on different platforms would help, but you're talking at least three different videos for Windows alone, (Window 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7), then OS X and Unix.  With the amount of contributors we have at present that is going to be a challenge.  
