Picture of David Austin
Re: authoring help for missionaries etc.
by David Austin - Thursday, 22 October 2015, 5:16 PM

 i am following the instructions on https://github.com/adaptlearning/adapt_authoring/wiki/Installing-Adapt-Origin#1 
and it says to install node.js and i did and i checked its version # and it says 4.2.1 and the instructios say v0.10.33 WOW that is a lot behind.. now i have to figure out how to uninsall and install v0.10.33.. not very novice friendly
so i skip this step and try to install and get errots that i am not admin. so i install windsu and try it... i am geting errors that it cant find git.. .. I will wait for Sven to help me

i am daustin100 on skype

Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: authoring help for missionaries etc.
by Matt Leathes - Thursday, 22 October 2015, 6:25 PM

node have an extremely high release rate - 58 releases this year alone. I don't work on the authoring tool side but I would imagine trying to keep up-to-date with the latest version would be an incredible challenge.

The page you link to above recommends the use of a Node Version Manager and links to two such pieces of software, have you given either of them a try?

Picture of Brian Quinn
Re: authoring help for missionaries etc.
by Brian Quinn - Thursday, 22 October 2015, 9:13 PM

Hi David,

Part of the reason why we're still using 0.10.33 is because of the pace of Node.js development and publicising that we support later versions would require a full regression test.  Don't let the version numbers confuse you, as 0.10.33 is only one year old.  The Node.js version numbers are skewed due to the io.js fork and join again.  

The recently released 4.2 is the version with long term support and we plan to support it in an upcoming release.

Regarding your errors that it can't find git. Do you have it installed?  How did download the adapt_authoring repository?

