Picture of harry harry
node install fail
by harry harry - Thursday, 5 November 2015, 1:44 PM

Hello Adapt Team,

i want to congratulate you all for brilliant work you all put-in in creating such a wonderful framework/tool that will speed up learning content creation process.

i am facing issues in installing the authoring tool and need your help in that.

i am using windows 7 64 bit machine.

my "node install" fail several times. i install all the prerequisites and mongo db service active etc...

my issue is file mentioned in error is actually missing in the file system. Please refer to the screenshot.

every time i get same error(event.js:72 throw er;) but some different file of different module/dependency is missing everytime.

i install required microsoft KB packages for mongo db and i am using version 0.10.33 of node.

1 thing i like to highlight that i am getting error with some .sln files looking for MSBuild.exe. should i install visual studio for that or is it fine to overlook those 4 issues regarding .sln. i have .net framework on my machine but still getting those errors.

Please guide me on this.

Best regards,
