Kineo Chris
Kev at kineo
Chris from Sponge
Alan from Sponge
Working with Dennis and Brian on the plugins, need to help them
Building the trickle extension and see how far we get, Paul from Kineo wants progress, but Ltech will leave it. All components will go through testing. Building another course with the MCQ and all it's states. Core Bundle ready for extension
Theme - what will it look like, it'll be a simple base theme with white and Blue. In line with the Adapt learning website. Alan agrees that the base theme is pretty good
Menu - Alan is working on the menu and Theming. It's now fully responsive, it's also pretty simple, it's not custom.
Blockers - sort out other developers with tasks.
Rob Moore
Working with Dennis on the PoC for the Backend of code for the Adapt builder
No Blockers - learning curve of backbone, picking up with Kevin and Brian where they left the Authoring Tool
Chris from Sponge
Adapt register command, pick up adapt create course command. no blockers.
The create course will be templated into that command. Taking the content from the demo.
Some discussion about locking
Kev from Brighton
Not available to work on the framework, worked on MCQ and bug fixing, should go through QA tomorrow.
Alan from Sponge
Sort our menu styling, look at the graphic hotspot switching to mobile, will follow up with Daryl. Any other small tasks, including less tasks. Chris Steele fixing up MCQ. Maybe pickup Documentation for HTML and use of tags.
Kineo Chris
Taken over the MCQ and take the graphical MCQ - try and style it like the standard theme, style it like the accordion. Need 2 radio buttons added to the theme. Alan has added some stuff for the theme. Chris will check
Picked up the loading div task, updated the documentation. Worked on the manifest xml, might use templates for that. Should resolve that today. Pick up some work on theme.json and config.json, a grunt task that combines both.
Hangout planned for 13:00 to go over the assessment and spoor extension
Kevin Learning pool
Working on some minor tasks to the router, navigate global settings for weight, added documentation. Picked up a tasks.
Made a start on the spoor, waiting for tasks for hangout
Launch prep and help with marketing and put the webinar together, mainly look at the glossary, tidy up the community site.
github tidy up.