Picture of Teja Majety
Embed charts
by Teja Majety - Monday, 14 December 2015, 5:53 PM

Hi all,

I just started working Adapt Authoring tool, First of all that's an awesome builder. In the mean while, I am thinking of different ways to create a project. 

Is there any way to Embed web interfaces in to our courses such as Interactive graphs or charts like google charts. I tried to copy/paste HTML code of a simple interactive google chart in "Blank Component" . But has no luck, I tried different ways like linking to external source of that graph and Inserting code in "<iframe>". But neither seems working to me.

I got glimpse of that chart when i embed the code in <iframe> but i can't see it in preview but i can see in Authoring tool builder.

Any Ideas how to insert an interactive charts in Authoring Tool builder????

Thanks & Regards,


Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Embed charts
by Matt Leathes - Tuesday, 15 December 2015, 9:35 AM

There's a couple of community-contributed iframe plugins you can install, these will allow you to embed third party HTML into your adapt page.

