Picture of Paul Steven
How to remove custom component from Authoring Tool
by Paul Steven - Monday, 18 January 2016, 11:55 AM

I have been playing around with creating a custom component by cloning the blank component and installing it via the authoring tools plugin management. This all worked fine.

However I am not sure how to delete my plugin from the authoring tool

Could someone familiar with how the plugins are installed behind the scenes point me in the right direction on how to delete it


Picture of Brian Quinn
Re: How to remove custom component from Authoring Tool
by Brian Quinn - Monday, 18 January 2016, 12:31 PM

Hi Paul,

There is no UI to delete a component right now, but you can remove it if you follow these steps:

1. Remove the folder containing your component from /temp/{id}/adapt_authoring/src/components/

2. Use RoboMongo (or similar) to connect to your MongoDB instance.  Locate the offending record in the componenttypes collection and remove it.



Picture of Paul Steven
Re: How to remove custom component from Authoring Tool
by Paul Steven - Monday, 18 January 2016, 1:23 PM

Thank you Brian - that is exactly what I was looking for.



Picture of Christian Lee
Re: How to remove custom component from Authoring Tool
by Christian Lee - Monday, 23 January 2017, 1:41 PM

Brian, can you give the full address of the temp file, please. I'd like to remove a 'few' test themes. from the AT

Also I'm not sure on how to use Mongo DB. Any advice?




Picture of Michel Gervais
Re: How to remove custom component from Authoring Tool
by Michel Gervais - Thursday, 4 May 2017, 2:31 PM

@Brian or anyone familiar with this process,

Can you please provide more specific instructions for components (themes) removal?


  1.  I'm not sure where to find "/temp/{id}/adapt_authoring/src/components/" is it from the source course file? If it is, how is it going to remove the component from the authoring tool?
  2. I have downloaded RoboMongo but I have no clue what my MongoDB instance should be, where to find it, and how to connect with it.

I would apreciate any kind of help here. I'm sure once I go through the process successfully, it will appear quite simple.

