I am building a component that requires the jQuery UI library and wanted some advice on how best to add this.
Currently I have added it to the js folder of my component and then required it as follows in my components main js file as follows:
var jQueryUIRef = require('components/adapt-contrib-scroller/js/jquery-ui.min');
This seems to work but I wanted to check if this is how you (the experts) would suggest adding this library.
Similar to how I added the js, I just renamed the jquery-ui.css file to jquery-ui.less and popped it into the less folder of my component.
If how I have done this is not such a good implementation I would be interested to hear suggestions on how best to add additional libraries such as this. I would be concerned there could be duplication if more than one of my custom components require the jQuery UI library but pretty sure the "require" functionality would prevent any redundancy.