Picture of Dave Wallace
Search Engine Optimized Adapt content
by Dave Wallace - Monday, 15 February 2016, 9:46 PM

Hi everyone,

I have a question around Adapt's SEO capabilities, when hosted as static content openly available on the 'net (not behind any logins). Is page content indexable?

In reading up again on single page applications and the various technologies used to present them in browsers, the debate over using a # URL versus a / pretty URL seemsĀ to boil down to: use / pretty URLs if your server is configured to route those URLs correctly, otherwise use # URLs.

Backbone supports both modes, Adapt is currently using # which I suppose is for broader URL support across servers, however what effects (if any) does this have on content that (hopefully) might turn up in search engine results.

To clarify, the page content within an Adapt build is what I'm curious about, not the single page itself which could have appropriate meta tags constructed for SEO purposes.

