Picture of John Niezen
How to upgrade with Vagrant
by John Niezen - Saturday, 27 February 2016, 11:53 AM
Hi, I installed the AT with Vagrant on an Ubuntu 14.04LTS. I can start it, I can create courses, and I can perform the actions in the Plugin management part. What I cannot detect is what version is my installation running after "vagrant up"? How do you know the version of the Framework and the Authoring Tool? And then if it lags behind, how do you upgrade? Thanks, John Niezen
Picture of Brian Quinn
Re: How to upgrade with Vagrant
by Brian Quinn - Monday, 29 February 2016, 9:32 AM

Hi John,

Right now you have to look at version.json in the root of the adapt_authoring folder.  If it lags, on Vagrant you need to do something like this:

  1. Run vagrant ssh and connect onto the Ubuntu VM
  2. Run sudo pm2 stop 0
  3. Run node upgrade.js and wait for it to finish
  4. Run sudo pm2 start 0

I've created a ticket to display the versions installed here, and we'll look into in a future sprint.

Hope this helps.


Picture of John Niezen
Re: How to upgrade with Vagrant
by John Niezen - Monday, 29 February 2016, 12:43 PM

Thanks Brian,

While looking through the issues, I noticed https://github.com/adaptlearning/adapt_authoring/issues/847

Looks the same, or not?

Picture of Neil Hone
Re: How to upgrade with Vagrant
by Neil Hone - Tuesday, 1 March 2016, 12:05 AM

Hi Brian,

Would you be able to include the instructions for updating the authoring tool on a Windows installation of Vagrant?

