Picture of Erich Renken
ERROR 128 when upgrading to Authoring v0.1.6
by Erich Renken - Thursday, 7 April 2016, 6:55 PM

Just saw that there was a new version of the authoring tool and I received the following error when installing:

C:\Users\erenken\adapt_authoring>node upgrade.js
{ [Error: Cannot find module '../build/Release/bson'] code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' }

js-bson: Failed to load c++ bson extension, using pure JS version
info: [07 Apr 2016 14:31:29 -04:00] configuration loaded from C:\Users\erenken\a
info: [07 Apr 2016 14:31:29 -04:00] Supporting the following authentication type
info: [07 Apr 2016 14:31:29 -04:00] - local

This script will update the Adapt authoring tool (and/or Adapt Framework) to the
latest released version. Would you like to continue?
prompt: Y/n: (Y)
Checking versions
Currently installed versions:
- Adapt authoring tool: v0.1.5
- Adapt Framework: v2.0.8
Checking for Adapt authoring tool upgrades...
Checking for Adapt Framework upgrades...
Update for Adapt authoring tool is available: v0.1.6
Upgrading the Adapt authoring tool...please hold on!
Fetch from GitHub was successful.
Pulling latest changes...
fatal: ambiguous argument 'v0.1.6': unknown revision or path not in the working
Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:
'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'

ERROR: 128

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Picture of Ben Pascoe
Re: ERROR 128 when upgrading to Authoring v0.1.6
by Ben Pascoe - Friday, 8 April 2016, 8:30 AM

I just upgraded the authoring tool to V0.1.6 with no errors.

Did you remove the node_modules folder?

There's a note on the changelog page (https://github.com/adaptlearning/adapt_authoring/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)

IMPORTANT: If upgrading from a previous installation, first remove the node_modules folder and run
npm install --production
to install the latest code dependencies, then run
node upgrade
to get the latest authoring tool and framework changes.

I'm on Windows 8.1 and just used windows explorer to delete the node_modules folder, then command prompt as an admin to navigate to my adapt_authoring folder, ran the npm install --production command, then node upgrade, and it worked fine for me.

Picture of Dan Gray
Re: ERROR 128 when upgrading to Authoring v0.1.6
by Dan Gray - Friday, 8 April 2016, 9:40 AM

Hi Erich

What do you get if you execute the following commands in terminal or windows command prompt from the path that you executed node upgrade command? 

git tag -l

This should  return a list of versions including v0.1.6

git remote -v

This should return a list of the remote repositories. It looks like Git has not fetched v0.1.6.

Picture of Erich Renken
Re: ERROR 128 when upgrading to Authoring v0.1.6
by Erich Renken - Saturday, 9 April 2016, 1:15 AM

I'm a dummy. I had forked a version and that was my git repo origin. Changed my origin repo and all is well. Thanks for the help identifying the issue.