Picture of Simon Ray
Linked confidence slider in Framework
by Simon Ray - Tuesday, 12 April 2016, 2:28 AM

Hi all

I'm having a small issue with the Linked Confidence Slider and the way it's showing up in the course.

The confidence slider shows up nicely:


but the linked one has black boxes around the numbers and the slide button looks oval instead of circular.


code is:

"_id": "c-55",
"_parentId": "b-50",
"_type": "component",
"_component": "linkedConfidenceSlider",
"_classes": "",
"_layout": "full",
"title": "",
"displayTitle": "How do you feel now?",
"body": "At the beginning of this module you were asked to rate your confidence in dealing with the situation of an athlete who comes to you and declares he's using a prohibited substance.<br/><br/>After reading the information above, has your confidence improved?",
"disabledBody": "You need to measure your confidence at the top of the page before you can do this part.",
"instruction": "Use the slider to rate your current level of confidence.",
"_linkedToId": "c-10",
"axisLabel": "",
"_feedback": {
"feedbackSeparator": " ",
"generic": "Thanks for completing this exercise.",
"_comparison": {
"lower": "You're less confidence now than at the beginning? If at any time you would like clarification on your obligations as an athlete medical support person, you can always contact ASADA and discuss it, even anonymously.",
"same": "Interesting. If you had low confidence to start and still do, you can seek clarification on your obligations as an athlete medical support person by contacting ASADA and discussing it, even anonymously.",
"higher": "It looks like you're seeing the benefits more and more!"
"_threshold": [
"_values": {
"_low": 1,
"_high": 5
"text": "Perhaps you still need convincing overall."
"_values": {
"_low": 6,
"_high": 10
"text": "We're glad you like it."
"_buttons": {
"_submit": {
"buttonText": "Submit",
"ariaLabel": "Select here to submit your answer."
"_reset": {
"buttonText": "Reset",
"ariaLabel": ""
"_showCorrectAnswer": {
"buttonText": "Correct Answer",
"ariaLabel": ""
"_hideCorrectAnswer": {
"buttonText": "My Answer",
"ariaLabel": ""
"_showFeedback": {
"buttonText": "Show feedback",
"ariaLabel": ""
"remainingAttemptsText": "attempts remaining",
"remainingAttemptText": "final attempt",
"disabledAriaLabel": "This button is disabled at the moment"
"_pageLevelProgress": {
"_isEnabled": false



Any thoughts?


Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Linked confidence slider in Framework
by Matt Leathes - Tuesday, 12 April 2016, 4:12 PM

Hi Simon

Are you using the versions from the adaptlearning github or the ones in the CGKineo github?

The reason I ask is that, as these aren't 'core' adapt plugins (despite what the README says), they're not really maintained by the Adapt core team.

We really need to resolve that somehow for these (and some other) plugins... in the meantime, if you're not already using the Kineo versions you might get slightly better mileage with our versions as we use them relatively frequently (less so for linked but it should still be OK).

Use the develop branch of our linkedConfidenceSlider.

Picture of Simon Ray
Re: Linked confidence slider in Framework
by Simon Ray - Tuesday, 12 April 2016, 9:57 PM

Thanks Matt, that's worked beautifully!