Picture of Adam Laird
Multiple/Concurrent Course development
by Adam Laird - Wednesday, 12 February 2014, 8:13 AM

Thinking about multiple course development, would you need to archive out the current course folder you build to i.e. course_1.zip before starting on another course as the target is always the 'course' folder.

Or, to allow for concurrent course creation (I've never found the time to do one thing at a time myself) could you target the specific course folder say you had a folder named course_healthAndSafety and one called course_UsingAnLMSforNumpties

If that makes sense...

Picture of Brian Quinn
Re: Multiple/Concurrent Course development
by Brian Quinn - Wednesday, 12 February 2014, 9:52 AM

Hi Adam,

Yes, right now the easiest way to work on multiple courses is to archive the course folder and swap in the course folder for the one you want to work on.

We've just started developing an authoring tool for Adapt which will allow you to work on multiple courses/projects easily, but for version 1.0 of the framework this is how you would work.

