Picture of Conor Bradley
Asset upload not working
by Conor Bradley - Tuesday, 26 April 2016, 9:39 AM

I'm having an issue with the asset upload fuction in the Adapt authoring tool.

When I choose a file and click the upload button a status bar with 100% appears below the file path but then nothing happens. If the upload area is closed the asset area still says 'There are no assets to show'.

Are there any obvious places to start looking for a solution to this issue?


Picture of Conor Bradley
Re: Asset upload not working
by Conor Bradley - Wednesday, 27 April 2016, 9:02 AM

I'm seeing the following errors in chrome's developer panel when I try to use the upload button too

Picture of Brian Quinn
Re: Asset upload not working
by Brian Quinn - Wednesday, 27 April 2016, 2:07 PM

Hi Conor,

There should be a corresponding error log on the server with more detail.  I'm not sure it's related, but on the Chrome output you also seem to have an add-on which is erroring.



Picture of Conor Bradley
Re: Asset upload not working
by Conor Bradley - Thursday, 28 April 2016, 7:34 AM

Ok well we managed to find a fix. Downgrading nodejs to v4.2.6 (think we had v4.4.3 installed) and reinstalling adapt fixed the issue. Thanks for the suggestion Brian - hope this thread is useful to someone at a later date!