Picture of Jack Ward
Developing a theme that can use multiple menu systems
by Jack Ward - Wednesday, 11 May 2016, 11:31 AM


As I'm sure your aware there is some level of awkwardness around developing a theme that can style multiple menu types.

Is there an approach that is generally used? Should menu systems ideally specify their name in their top-level tag so that base styles and then overriding style can be applied for that menu?

I have developed a menu for Adapt myself and would like to make it as easy to use as possible.


Picture of Helen Bailey
Re: Developing a theme that can use multiple menu systems
by Helen Bailey - Thursday, 12 May 2016, 9:00 AM

Hey Jack,

Whilst I can't help specifically with your enquiry I'd just like to say I tried your menu out in the Authoring tool and it's really fab! Great job there's been a distinct lack of new menus available!

I just wonder how this menu works on a tablet? Is the View button always there or do you have to click the menu box once to reveal, then again for the View button?

Many thanks for your contribution!


Picture of Jack Ward
Re: Developing a theme that can use multiple menu systems
by Jack Ward - Monday, 16 May 2016, 11:05 AM

Hi Helen,

Thanks for giving it a go. It was a prototype to show the higher-ups the potential and probably does need some more work with, like you say, making a solution for touch-screens. We're working on two more at the moment which will be a bit more useful, I think. They're both an adaptation of the cover menu that Kineo produced. Will post both when we're happy.

This is mainly where my question came up from, as we were producing so many menus at once and only one theme it seemed counter-productive to not be able to target an individual menu from the theme's css. So from now on I'm identifying the menu with a class and then creating css that will specifically target each menu in the theme so we can switch them out for one-another.

Picture of Juan Pérez
Re: Developing a theme that can use multiple menu systems
by Juan Pérez - Saturday, 3 December 2016, 1:46 AM

Helen hi, how are you?

I am trying this menu with Adapt Framework, but nothing.

I have installed menu aand i erased Contrib Box Menu, however is not workin fine.


Any help ?
