Picture of Heramb Naria
In authoring tool, how to change various text in elements like buttons etc
by Heramb Naria - Thursday, 2 June 2016, 6:33 PM

Hi i have some experience in javascript. 

I am trying to customize the authoring tool for my client. i need to change the text on some of the buttons. like for example, the text on "Add article", "Add block" etc. 

In the source code i found that the text comes from the en-application.json file. But i tried changing that but it did not reflect in the authoring tool. 

also i would like to change the css. Can some one guide me where i can do that ?

I am using vagrant to start the authoring tool.

Picture of Tom Taylor
Re: In authoring tool, how to change various text in elements like buttons etc
by Tom Taylor - Friday, 3 June 2016, 11:48 AM

Hi Heramb,

You're almost there; en-application.json is used to create a dynamically generated file (en.json) during build, so you'll need to rebuild the front-end by running grunt rebuild in the authoring tool's root folder.