Picture of Helen Bailey
The plugin Authoring Tool compatibility thread!
by Helen Bailey - Friday, 3 June 2016, 1:51 PM

Hi everyone,

I'd like to contribute back a guide to what plugins, themes etc in all GitHub repos are compatable with the authoring tool.

So I have started an open Google sheet here : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XDPyohslGe3bFrLo4U_Rr-muIzRVojnShYmmEKqOqnQ/edit?usp=sharing

I am going to work on this and get it as up to date as I can with my own knowledge, having tried out most so far.

You are welcome to add repos and make changes as necessary.

I hope it helps people.



Picture of Ben Pascoe
Re: The plugin Authoring Tool compatibility thread!
by Ben Pascoe - Friday, 3 June 2016, 3:44 PM

Looks like a really useful resource.

I've added the two components that I've used that weren't already on there.

I'll check back and see if there's any missing that I can help test at some point.

Picture of Helen Bailey
Re: The plugin Authoring Tool compatibility thread!
by Helen Bailey - Friday, 3 June 2016, 3:46 PM

Cheers Ben, you secret mallard you :)

Picture of Helen Bailey
Re: The plugin Authoring Tool compatibility thread!
by Helen Bailey - Friday, 3 June 2016, 3:46 PM

Caveat : I keep my Authoring Tool and Framework as up to date as possible but I might not try all versions of every component/plugin or try them in every version of the framework/AT releases. 

Also I use a Windows 7 fairly standard setup and first installed my AT a while ago, and have gone through lots of upgrades. I also fiddle with plugins a bit sometimes to get things to work how I want them, so if something isn't working for you, post in this thread, get help from the rest of the community or contact the developer directly.

Remember to help make things better for Adapt by contributing where you can!

Thanks, Helen

Picture of Gilles Robin
Re: The plugin Authoring Tool compatibility thread!
by Gilles Robin - Tuesday, 14 June 2016, 2:10 PM

Hi everyone,

I've been looking at Adapt for some weeks now and I started to use it on a customer project.

I had to develop a plugin that plays sounds (automatically when a block is on screen or when the user clicks).

I use it with the latest version of the AT, but didn't test it with previous ones.

I added it to the google sheet.

hope it can be useful.



Picture of Helen Bailey
Re: The plugin Authoring Tool compatibility thread!
by Helen Bailey - Monday, 20 June 2016, 2:28 PM

Thank you Giles! More than happy for people to add their own plugins and to update the sheet.
