Just wanted to run an idea around that Paul Welch and myself have been discussing. We've research how our buttons work for question components and have also received feedback from clients using them. A few things we think are missing are:
- Attempts left count down - enables the user to see how many attempts the questions have.
- Toggle for feedback - enables the user to view feedback at any point feedback is available by clicking a button
- Overall correct/incorrect when question has been answered - shows a clear indication of whether the user got the question fully right or wrong.
Currently we have a setup where we switch between the following buttons:
- Submit
- Reset
- Show correct answer
- Show users answer
Our proposed solution is attached and we feel it includes everything we have to date plus the features that are missing.
The PDF shows stages 1-6 of answering a question with this dual button approach. The lower 4-6 stages are when the user gets the second attempt correct. I'll break down the stages below:
- User has not selected any item and has two attempts, 'Feedback' button is disabled (but could show a hint like - "Select an item you think is correct and then select submit").
- User selects an item
- User has selected 'Submit' and the item is marked correct. 'Attempts' gets updated to 1. 'Feedback' button is still disabled (but could be enabled if attempt feedback is enabled). 'Submit' button becomes reset.
- Question is reset with 'Reset' button turning back to 'Submit'.
- User attempts the question again by selecting an item.
- User selects 'Submit' button and all attempts are used up. 'Attempts' box turns into either a correct tick or incorrect cross. 'Feedback' button is active. If the user got the final attempt wrong then the 'Submit' button turns into 'Show correct answer' which toggles between showing the correct answer or the users answer (this is not shown in the diagram but can be viewed in the Adapt demo). However if the user gets the final attempt correct the 'Submit' button stays and is disabled.
*** All feedback is displayed as normal - when the user clicks 'Submit'. ***
From a developers point of view this would be set up as a subview of questionView that communicates via events. The button templates would be a Handlebars partial that will live in the theme - like all other templates - so a front end developer can change the look and feel of them.
Please can you post any comments, concerns or thoughts on the proposed solution?