I am trying to create a new course using version 2.0.2..
The course starts loading as normal, until I get this question:
The plugin adapt-contrib-vanilla.is not compatible with this version of Adapt. Installing it may cause unexpected behaviour. Confirm Install this plugin anyway? (n) "
It then asks the same question (after I said 'y') about all the plugins, and then returns with this:
Oh dear, something went wrong. Failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads git://github.com/adaptlearning/adapt-contrib-vanilla.git", exit code of #128
Oh dear, something went wrong. I'm terribly sorry. Failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads git://github.com/adaptlearning/adapt-contrib-vanilla.git", exit code of #128
So then I went back, tried again, and said 'no' to the same questions... built the course, ran a grunt server.. and all I got was a blank page.
Can anyone help!? Do I just need to update it? I am not hugely technical (as you can probably tell from the terminology I've used in this post :) )
Any help would be great..