Picture of James Yorke
Authoring tool - page title trouble
by James Yorke - Monday, 1 August 2016, 6:33 PM

So I'm playing with the framework and that seems ok - massive learning curve but ok the authoring tool on the other hand is driving me mad :)

  • I have created a course
  • i have added one page 
  • i have given the page a title and added some text in the body field

why when i preview the course do i see the page title (What is time management) and text (why is this...) on the menu and then on the page at the top?

how do i have some text on the menu link and them something different at the top please like the apt version 2 demo course?



Picture of Derek Chirnside
Re: Authoring tool - page title trouble
by Derek Chirnside - Tuesday, 2 August 2016, 1:52 AM

James, I am not experienced at all with this, I just started on my first course yesterday, and I'm not sure if I have the right lingo to actually answer you with clarity.

I think it depends on where you click:

In actual fact I am not exactly sure I understand your question.  There may be a default option kicking in.

So, make sure you have text in all the spaces, ([1] click gear and then [2] Click for other (And you have another way then to click to get access to the gear settings))

Then, probably you will have text in the right places.

Good Luck.  Let us know how you do.  Although I bet you have solved this question by now.

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