Picture of Dan Jonsson
CSS editing tool?
by Dan Jonsson - Thursday, 4 August 2016, 6:24 AM

Hi, I´m wondering if there is any good CSS editing tool

with wysiwyg interface that works with editing the framework?

What do you use when you create new themes?

I tired of searching in inspector for classes and likes!



Picture of Jörg Stachowski
Re: CSS editing tool?
by Jörg Stachowski - Monday, 8 August 2016, 8:03 AM

I use the Atom editor: https://atom.io .

Picture of Cormac O'Keeffe
Re: CSS editing tool?
by Cormac O'Keeffe - Monday, 8 August 2016, 9:02 AM

I second Atom. It doesn't have all of the features of Sublime Text 3 but, I prefer the syntax highlighting and the integration with Github desktop.



Picture of Dan Jonsson
Re: CSS editing tool?
by Dan Jonsson - Friday, 12 August 2016, 7:05 AM

Thanks I try that out!