Hi Everyone,
I have just creating a course which is online now. However my client needs an offline version of the course, which runs on local and store user answers to online when internet connected (Not sure if it is possible or not). So I search the adapt forum. I found that Xapi is something that I need. However the component available for Xapi is currently in pre-Alpha stage and is not ready for production use (https://github.com/adaptlearning/adapt-contrib-xapi). Also I found that last commit is 5 months old on git for this component.
I also found that other developers are working on it, but I am unable to find some stable version of it. It seems like Adapt developers are still working on it.
I also found that using Spoor component I can connect the course to LMS but as per my understanding Spoor which using SCORM api do not support offline storage to LMS.
Also when I run the build of the course offline, the videos streaming from Vimeo are not running (Maybe my setup have some issue or I am missing something). If anybody done such work please share with me, Any Help regarding these issues will be greatly appreciated..