Picture of Henrik Aabom
Show correct answer button hidden from Accessibility
by Henrik Aabom - Tuesday, 11 October 2016, 9:55 AM

Hello good Adapt folks

Why is it that the "Show correct answer" button in Multiple choice question components is inaccessible for people who are only using TAB, when Accessibility is enabled?

Is this an error, or is there a reason for it not beeing accessible with TAB-only?


Thanks Henrik

Picture of Henrik Aabom
Re: Show correct answer button hidden from Accessibility
by Henrik Aabom - Tuesday, 11 October 2016, 10:57 AM

When the user runs out of attemps, and still picks the wrong answer. The button with class "buttons-action" (which is the submit button) gets added an "aria-hidden" class and gets tabindex = "-1".

What does this class do exactly and which script is adding this tabindex to the button?

Is it possible to change this?


Thanks, Henrik

Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Show correct answer button hidden from Accessibility
by Matt Leathes - Tuesday, 11 October 2016, 11:34 AM

because we haven't yet figured out a way of presenting the correct options to a screenreader in a way that would be meaningful

Picture of Henrik Aabom
Re: Show correct answer button hidden from Accessibility
by Henrik Aabom - Tuesday, 11 October 2016, 12:22 PM

Thats an honest answer, thanks Matt ;)