We were looking for someone to build out a fork of spoor by adapt to also track cmi.core.total_time and lock out the assessment on a separate page until a total time has reached a pre-determined time. Currently adapt spoor doesn't track total time accurately.
When you say it 'doesn't track total time accurately', how do you mean?
Currently it logs the time when it connects to the SCORM API - then does so again when the course is closed. The difference between the two is stored in cmi.core.session_time
It is the Learning Management's System's responsibility to update cmi.core.total_time
with this information.
It all seems accurate to me whenever I have tested it.
If you're using SCORM 2004, there was a bug in the code that generates the SCORM 2004 time format but that's been fixed now, see issue #1222
Hello Matt
Sorry about that, I didn't mean that it doesn't work properly. It currently tracks total time when you get into a course and exit (cmi.core.session_time). I am trying to create a spoor extension that tracks session time, and if the total time is 2 hours or more then the assessment page is unlocked, which can be done by changing the class name to not include "locked". Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,