Hi Petra,
just to record the notes from our 'getting you started' call this morning:
- Petra, Mark, Sven, Dennis, Daryl
We agreed to introduce you into the project by giving you an initial set of introductory, yet helpful tasks and guiding you along.
The initial tasks are 'designed' to help you get up to speed and do not require an in depth understanding of the project or the technologies. The tasks are, however, very important to help the project progress. In summary, by working through these tasks, you will learn a lot about the project while producing necessary and helpful output.
The tasks we agreed on are:
- Help Sven on design tasks (separate brief to follow)
- Help Ryan document coding standards
- Make Open Input component
- Document how to create a component for the community on the Wiki
- As part of the documentation tasks, please review and work with these items:
The following is relevant background work:
- Review and understand Adapt Framework concept document
- Familiarise yourself with these technologies (roughly in order of priority - relevant diagram attached)
- NodeJS
- Backbone
- Handlebars
- Less
- Underscore
- Grunt
- Mocha
- Selenium
- Sven to brief Petra on design tasks help (done; Petra having a stab at designing the profile)
- Petra to join the talk with Chris, Ryan and Aniket on expected core standards and how to work like the core team
- Petra and Daryl to plan the Open Input component build
Welcome on board, Petra and Learnchamp!