I tried to install this beautiful program. But I got lost after installing vagrant and virtual box. Mission impossible What do I do?
Do I have to quit my attempts and by articulate storyline or is is posible to get help for installation.
Best regards from Lis
Never give up! It is totally worth the effort and this community is so helpful and kind.
Someone who knows about Vagrant install should help soon - in the meantime did you check out this page : https://github.com/adaptlearning/adapt_authoring/wiki/Install-with-Vagrant ??
Dear Helen - I have the idea that Adapt is much better than Articulate Storyline2.
Do you know if I got that right?
They are very different beasts Lis, you will find the method of adding content is much different and the style of course produced is also very different. Adapt is always a work in progress and is much more customisable than Storyline but you may find Storyline better for some things - it depends on your way of working.
But I would totally go for Adapt over Storyline these days.
Hi Lis,
It's definitely worth persevering, although as you're installing a server tool, it isn't likely to be as smooth an install as your standard offline desktop application like Storyline.
As Matt said, your original post was a bit light on information -- please be as descriptive as possible in terms of where you've gone wrong/gotten lost.