Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: SCORM export not working in Moodle Mobile App
by Matt Leathes - Thursday, 8 December 2016, 2:49 PM

Hi Christopher

It's a shame that they aren't more specific about what exactly they mean by 'javascript that does some bad calculations related to scroll positioning'.

It's our opinion that it's not Adapt that is at fault here but Safari for iOS. If you are interested you can find out more detail in this thread.

(Please note that Chrome for iOS is using the same rendering engine - Webkit - that Safari uses. Apple do not allow any other rendering engine to be used on iOS so both Firefox and Chrome for iOS are effectively just Safari with a different interface).

Picture of Nathan Mcilree
Re: SCORM export not working in Moodle Mobile App
by Nathan Mcilree - Thursday, 8 December 2016, 3:30 PM

There are also issues with footer items rendered in IE with Adapt content made from Learning Pool's  software when being rendered from MOODLE.

In order to resolve this I had to implement a none standard change in MOODLE SCORM Player to render Adapt content in a new window rather than popup.

Picture of Christoffer Bengt
Re: SCORM export not working in Moodle Mobile App
by Christoffer Bengt - Monday, 12 December 2016, 1:31 PM

Hi Matt,

Thanks for your reply. I have directed the moodle developer to your reponse here, so hopefully they can elaborate.

It would be fantastic to have a solution to this issue! We love adapt and simply want creations from there to be accessible through all modalities!
