Picture of Fabio Beoni
$ adapt register error
by Fabio Beoni - Thursday, 29 December 2016, 10:37 AM


I Have a new plugin ready to be published, I run the command $ adapt register but I get the error "Invalid URL format"...

Below you can find the log. Thanks for help.

This will publish this plugin to http://adapt-bower-repository.herokuapp.com

Confirm name (adapt-interactiveMapPlaces)

Confirm repository (git://github.com/fabiobeoni/adapt-interactiveMapPlaces.git)

Confirm framework (^2.0.0)

Confirm Register now? (y)

Error: Invalid URL format

Picture of Fabio Beoni
Re: $ adapt register error
by Fabio Beoni - Thursday, 29 December 2016, 2:19 PM

I'm sorry.. issue available on github.