Picture of Chuck Lorenz
accessible quotes in json
by Chuck Lorenz - Wednesday, 4 January 2017, 9:09 PM

As we know, json key/value pairs use straight- or dumb-quotes, like this:
"instruction": "Select the plus-sign to continue."

If I want to introduce quotes inside the json, I can do it in a couple of ways:
"instruction": "Select “+” to continue."
"instruction": "Select \"+\" to continue."

Forget for the moment that the entities in the example create smart-quotes and the escaped quotes create dumb-quotes. Is one strategy (entities vs escaping) more accessible to screen readers than the other? Is there another way that is preferred for the sake of accessibility?

Thanks in advance!
- Chuck

Picture of Oliver Foster
Re: accessible quotes in json
by Oliver Foster - Thursday, 5 January 2017, 5:31 PM

I have no idea chuck. Do you have the time to test on different screen readers?

Seeing as they are both character encodings they shouldn't stop a screen reader (as opposed to a set of tags). Quotes will probably read differently depending on the screen reader but again I'm not sure if the different styles will have an impact. I suspect they might.

