Picture of Joel Kellner
Adapt Beginner BGimage Question
by Joel Kellner - Tuesday, 10 January 2017, 1:00 AM

I have been investigating the Adapt Showcase and have installed the Adapt Authoring Tool on my machine.

 I am very impressed with the published files so far, but am not seeing how to place a full screen background image. I have seen how to change the BG color of Articles by defining new LESS and CSS rules in the Project Settings then calling the class from page elements.

How do you set background images?



Picture of Gareth Walker
Re: Adapt Beginner BGimage Question
by Gareth Walker - Friday, 13 January 2017, 3:41 PM

Hi Joel - This might be kind of question that gets more responses in the technical discussion forum. But in my own experience your options are:


1.) You could also add background images using CSS as part of your theme, by creating a class that applies that image. 

2.) There are a number of plugins that can be uploaded to the authoring tool and allow you to add images. It may be worth taking a look for any 'issues' flagged in the Github repository for each - my impression is that a few of these may not work perfectly:




Picture of Joel Kellner
Re: Adapt Beginner BGimage Question
by Joel Kellner - Friday, 13 January 2017, 8:38 PM

Thanks for the response. I had tried the Block background and background switcher...  They work ok, but it is slightly different than the demos.  But It works well enough.