Picture of Tom Taylor
Authoring tool v0.3.0 released!
by Tom Taylor - Tuesday, 24 January 2017, 6:22 PM
We're pleased to announce that v0.3.0 of the authoring tool is now out in the wild for you all to use!


The big headline feature for this release is the much-requested user management, which allows Super Admins to administer their users from a handy interface right in the tool.

With this feature, you can now:

  • Add new users
  • Edit existing users (email, password, tenant, role, and unlock locked accounts)
  • Disable/restore users (i.e. temporarily block access)
  • Permanently remove users from the system


As well as user management, you'll also find the following in v0.3.0:


  • Option to disable automatic switching-on of accessibility on touch devices
  • Mailer now supports HTML templated emails
  • User's roles now displayed on their profile page


  • Asset description is no longer a required field
  • Updated config.json with up-to-date values
  • Permissions page styled to match UI refresh
  • Travis CI configuration updated:
    • Added Node.js version 4, 5 and 6
    • git, mongodb and adapt versions logged to console
    • Removed caching for `node_modules` directory
    • Removed `on_start` from notifications as Travis WebLint shows as deprecated


  • Block alignment in page editor
  • Password reset emails now work as intended
  • The 'enabled' checkbox in Plugin Management now hides plugins from editor
  • Removed tab/newline chars from CKEditor output to fix tabbing in published courses
  • Menu picker selected colouring changed
  • Notify content is now scrollable, rather than being rendered off-screen



For instructions on updating an existing installation of the tool, see the following section in INSTALL.md.

If you encounter any bugs along the way, please log an issue on the GitHub repo as ever.


On behalf of the core dev team, I hope you all enjoy using this release!

Picture of John Niezen
Re: Authoring tool v0.3.0 released!
by John Niezen - Tuesday, 24 January 2017, 7:23 PM

Great job team. Really nice update.

Picture of Mark Thorpe
Re: Authoring tool v0.3.0 released!
by Mark Thorpe - Wednesday, 25 January 2017, 11:37 AM

Thanks for the update.

I've only been using the authoring tool since the start of the year and have been anticipating user management to let others in the team demo the system, without them altering my courses.

One question, if a user is permanently remove from the system, do their courses become orphaned? As a result of this, would it be possible in a future release to add another menu item under 'Shared coursed' called 'All courses', so even if a course isn't shared a user with enough permissions is able to access the course and maybe reassign it to someone else.

Picture of Henrik Aabom
Re: Authoring tool v0.3.0 released!
by Henrik Aabom - Thursday, 23 March 2017, 7:34 AM

We would like a feature like this too.

Yesterday we ran into this exact issue. We created a course with a user, shared it and then deleted the user again.

This resulted in the now orphaned course was visible for the other users, but they didn't have permissions to delete the course again. Thus, when other users clicked the "Shared Courses" button, they saw a no-man's-course, which should just be deleted, but couldn't. Not even the Admin user could delete it.

We ended up going into the settings of the orphaned course and set it to NOT shared, which removed it from the shared courses-list, even though the course technically hasn't been deleted.

If there is a better way to get rid of orphaned courses, we are all ears :)

Picture of Steve Ferenchak
Re: Authoring tool v0.3.0 released!
by Steve Ferenchak - Tuesday, 27 March 2018, 10:58 PM

Hey Tom,

Sorry to "necro" the thread, but I was just wondering if the roles actually do anything and or if anyone knows what permissions each role enables/disables for a user?

I'm trying to make it so that users can download the source from the Authoring Tool and work in the framework as needed, but unless I'm doing something wrong it seems that only the Super Admin has the ability to download source?

Thanks in advance.

Picture of Tom Taylor
Re: Authoring tool v0.3.0 released!
by Tom Taylor - Tuesday, 3 April 2018, 5:04 PM

Hi Steve,

That is correct, unfortunately there's not much in the way of role support outside of the Super Admin and Course Creator roles.

The 'user management' release mentioned in this post doesn't have any support for roles, the idea being that this would form a later release. There's currently no intention to do this in the immediate future, but we re-prioritise features/releases on a regular basis to take into account interest from the community, so please add a +1 to the issue on GitHub (see screenshot below), which you can find at the below link:



Picture of Steve Ferenchak
Re: Authoring tool v0.3.0 released!
by Steve Ferenchak - Wednesday, 4 April 2018, 9:05 PM

Hey Tom,

Thanks for the reply. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy and/or get more information on what (if anything) each of the roles does.

I'm hoping that by the end of this year I can actually start contributing to both the framework and the authoring tool. I think I've got a little ways to go still before I'd be of much use.

Picture of Tom Taylor
Re: Authoring tool v0.3.0 released!
by Tom Taylor - Thursday, 5 April 2018, 9:08 AM

Cool, thanks Steve!

Not sure if you've done so already, but head over to the Gitter chat, it's never too early to jump in! Especially if any of us can help you get there faster.

Also feel free to contact me directly on there :)