Picture of Rob Mausser
Component on Menu Page
by Rob Mausser - Monday, 30 January 2017, 4:54 PM

Is there any way to have a component on a menu page?


I want to use a Hotspot menu on a submenu, but we need to deliver some content above the hotspot menu before the user continues. 


Any way I can put a component above the menu. Perhaps some plugin that can do this.


Again to clarify, this isn't on the top level menu, but on a submenu ("_type": "menu", in the contentObjects.json)



Picture of Tom Taylor
Re: Component on Menu Page
by Tom Taylor - Sunday, 5 February 2017, 3:24 PM

Hi Rob,

There's no way to do this with core Adapt, so you'd have to either write an extension, or extend the menu code yourself.