10/02/17 Update: Requirements document can be viewed here (work in progress)
06/02/17 Update: InVision mood board here
Hi all,
I'm keen to get the ball rolling on a theming/theme editor plugin for the authoring tool, and want to enlist any community members interested in helping out. I'm not looking for anyone with specific skills, just a working knowledge of the authoring tool, and a desire for the feature.
If you have expertise in any of the following areas, I'd love to hear from you:
- Requirements gathering
- UI/UX design (art direction, wireframes)
- Development
- Documentation
- Project management
- Testing
We're a small dev team, so any extra hands will get things moving much quicker.
To get things started, I've created a shiny new Gitter chat room to discuss the development, and opened a PR on the authoring tool GitHub with a very early demo/prototype of how a simple theme editor might look. Anyone brave enough is more than welcome to have a look, and leave comments there.
Also please feel free to reply to this thread with any requirements you have to help us along with the design, including any images, drawings or diagrams you think might be useful.
I'll update this thread with any developments as they occur.
I look forward to hearing from you all!