Picture of zee sliepen
Linking to a specific block in the framework
by zee sliepen - Monday, 6 February 2017, 9:21 PM

Hi there,

I've built a course using the framework and I need to link to a specific block on the page from a different block on that same page. At the moment I'm using an anchor tag within the body of a component, that points to the block ie. <a href='./#/id/b-02'> which does work the first time you press it, but only once. My course can be seen at http://tincdesign.com.au/Adapt/ASHM/build_open_2/#/id/co-01 and the link I'm talking about is the useful resource link that's in the 5th block which should link back to the video in block 2.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Ideally it would be nice to have an animated scroll the way the progress menu goes to a page, but otherwise a straight jump is fine too.

Thanks, zee


Picture of Ignacio Cinalli
Re: Linking to a specific block in the framework
by Ignacio Cinalli - Monday, 6 February 2017, 10:34 PM

Hi Zee.

You could try using Adapt.scrollTo or Adapt.navigateToElement


Picture of zee sliepen
Re: Linking to a specific block in the framework
by zee sliepen - Monday, 6 February 2017, 11:33 PM

Thanks Ignoacio. So can I use those directly from the body section of a component within the components.json file? I'm just not too sure what syntax to put around it.

Picture of Ignacio Cinalli
Re: Linking to a specific block in the framework
by Ignacio Cinalli - Tuesday, 7 February 2017, 1:24 AM

Zee, here's a simple way.

  • components.json file add class  to <a> element.

<a class='link-b-02' href='#'>Link to block</a>

  • your-javascript-file.js (e.g. adapt-contrib-vanilla/js/vanilla.js) add handle anchor click event

Adapt.on('pageView:postRender', function(view) { view.$el.on('click', 'a.link-b-02', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); Adapt.scrollTo('.b-02',{duration:500}) });

Hope this helps

Picture of zee sliepen
Re: Linking to a specific block in the framework
by zee sliepen - Tuesday, 7 February 2017, 2:47 AM

Ah that worked perfectly, thanks so much Ignacio for your detailed response. much appreciated.

Picture of K Edison
Re: Linking to a specific block in the framework
by K Edison - Friday, 13 December 2019, 8:16 PM

Hi Ingacio,

I've used this code and it works great, do you know how I can incorporate a override/skip trickle with it? I'd like to go straight to a block without trickle stopping me.



Picture of Ignacio Cinalli
Re: Linking to a specific block in the framework
by Ignacio Cinalli - Tuesday, 17 December 2019, 6:13 PM

Hi, can you try adding Adapt.trigger("trickle:skip") before Adapt.scrollTo.

Picture of K Edison
Re: Linking to a specific block in the framework
by K Edison - Tuesday, 17 December 2019, 7:40 PM

Works perfect, thanks so much.