Hello - I'm leading a small team of developers and we've just started with Adapt and have a few macs happily running it through the Vagrant route. We were previously developing in-house enterprise iOS apps for controlled distribution to an iPad estate which was great until the BYOD directive from the powers that be : - ) Hence we're here and Adapt has such fantastic potential. Naturally my next step is to move to a server install so we can work properly as a team. There's precious little OS capability outside of our group so I'm tempted to try and crack the server install and Adapt set-up ourselves rather than requesting it of our infrastructure team, which would doubtless take an age. So to cut to the chase – we're reasonably happy in the command line world – would I get anywhere installing OS X Server on a mac that's already running Adapt locally through Vagrant and then install the Authoring Tool on there? If not, does anybody have any advice on how best to move forward bearing in mind the above scenario?
Many thanks for any pointers