first off, this plugin is great (thanks for making and sharing it). having a table of contents is pretty important for the projects i work on. but i have a couple of improvements for anyone using it.
to prevent an item from appearing in the drawer if it is unavailable, modify the template:
{{#each resources}}
{{#if _isAvailable}}
//drawer item stuff here
to prevent disappearing items and a flicker when selecting an item, modify the drawerPageNavigationView.js in the function onContentObjectMenuClicked::
//to prevent any "flicker" and drawer content disappearing before drawer is closed
//put navigate code inside the "once"
Adapt.once('drawer:closed', function() {
Backbone.history.navigate('#/id/' + $(event.currentTarget).data("href"), {trigger: true});
also, i notice the Authoring Tool reorders the contentObjects.json when using submenus, resulting in the items being out-of-sequence when displayed in the drawer. this can be remedied by manually reordering the contentObjects.json using some sort of code editor after you download the course.