Picture of Christoph Schuster
Display Badges from Moodle
by Christoph Schuster - Thursday, 2 March 2017, 4:29 PM


we are using Moodle as the backend for an Adapt Learning course and want to display the earned Badges in a popup (from the Drawer).

How can i access the Badges/Archivements for the current user?

Thank you


Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Display Badges from Moodle
by Matt Leathes - Friday, 3 March 2017, 12:23 PM

Hi Christoph

How can i access the Badges/Archivements for the current user?

This sounds like more of a Moodle question than an Adapt question...

Picture of Christoph Schuster
Re: Display Badges from Moodle
by Christoph Schuster - Friday, 3 March 2017, 1:54 PM

Yes, i know, but this seems to be a ping-pong issue..

Did anyone solve the Badge/progress display function?

Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Display Badges from Moodle
by Matt Leathes - Friday, 3 March 2017, 3:10 PM

Well the entire solution is a bit of both. You're going to have to build an extension to display the badge data in the drawer - but in order to do that you'll need to find out how to retrieve the badge/achievements data for the current user. Since that data is held in Moodle that's definitely a Moodle question...

Picture of Chuck Lorenz
Re: Display Badges from Moodle
by Chuck Lorenz - Friday, 3 March 2017, 4:10 PM


I don't know the urgency behind this solution or your code skills; but if you can track down certain pieces of the puzzle and bring them back here, I'm confident that the community can help you create such a plug-in. But in order to build together, someone has to visually show some code that can be discussed.

First step is determining whether or not Moodle exposes badges and allows that feature to be accessed. Might search here (https://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?id=8085) if you haven't already. See if you can find code from an API that you display here or link to. Someone is bound to tell you what the next step will be.

Hope I'm not oversimplifying this, but trying to encourage you to make this thing happen :)

- Chuck

Re: Display Badges from Moodle
by Mark Lynch - Monday, 6 March 2017, 9:49 AM


from looking at the documentation hereĀ https://docs.moodle.org/dev/openbadges you'll have to do two things

1. Write something (extension/component) to display the badges from your open backpack in the drawer

2. This is optional - write something similar to the Mahara integration that displays the badges that are in Moodle and not in the open backpack in the drawer.

I'm curious to how you are awarding badges - In Moodle you can award a badge for the completion of a course. The Adapt module is an activity that can go towards course completion, but until you complete the activity and the course the user will not be able to see the badge awarded for that specific Adapt module until the course completes.