Picture of Adilson Cardoso
Failed to retrieve model with name extensiontype
by Adilson Cardoso - Wednesday, 21 June 2017, 8:17 PM

Hello guys,

After trying to install the Mathjax extension, the server shows the following error message, when I try to restart it

Adapt @ srvweb2: ~ / adapt_authoring $ node server
Info: [21 Jun 2017 17:06:31 -03: 00] configuration loaded from /home/adapt/adapt_authoring/conf/config.json
Error: [21 Jun 2017 17:06:31 -03: 00] Failed to load plugin at path plugins / content / extension [package file does not exist: /home/adapt/adapt_authoring/plugins/content/extension/package.json ]
Info: [21 Jun 2017 17:06:31 -03: 00] Supporting the following authentication types:
Info: [21 Jun 2017 17:06:31 -03: 00] - local
Info: [21 Jun 2017 17:06:34 -03: 00] Adapt authoring tool v0.3.0
Info: [21 Jun 2017 17:06:34 -03: 00] Adapt Framework v2.1.3
Info: [21 Jun 2017 17:06:46 -03: 00] Connection established: adapt-tenant-master-new
Info: [21 Jun 2017 17:06:53 -03: 00] Server started listening on port 5000
Error: MongooseDB # retrieve: Failed to retrieve model with name extensiontype
At MongooseDB.retrieve (/home/adapt/adapt_authoring/lib/dml/mongoose/index.js:347:14)
At /home/adapt/adapt_authoring/lib/contentmanager.js:602:12
At iterate (/home/adapt/adapt_authoring/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:123:13)
At /home/adapt/adapt_authoring/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:138:29
At /home/adapt/adapt_authoring/lib/contentmanager.js:720:13
At /home/adapt/adapt_authoring/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:227:13
At /home/adapt/adapt_authoring/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:131:25
At /home/adapt/adapt_authoring/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:224:17
At /home/adapt/adapt_authoring/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:542:34
At /home/adapt/adapt_authoring/lib/contentmanager.js:711:17
At /home/adapt/adapt_authoring/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:131:25
At /home/adapt/adapt_authoring/lib/contentmanager.js:705:17
At iterate (/home/adapt/adapt_authoring/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:123:13)
At nextTickCallbackWith0Args (node.js: 489: 9)
At process._tickDomainCallback (node.js: 459: 13)

Has anyone ever had a similar error?



Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Failed to retrieve model with name extensiontype
by Matt Leathes - Thursday, 22 June 2017, 9:03 AM

It looks like the properties.schema - the file that describes a plugin to the authoring tool - for the mathJax extension is basically empty, which could well have caused this problem.

I'm not really sure what happened there, it was set up correctly then a year ago someone updated it to remove basically everything.

In terms of how you get the authoring tool back up and running - I can't help there, sorry - my knowledge of the authoring tool is only very basic. Let me ask around and see if anyone else can help.

Picture of Tom Greenfield
Re: Failed to retrieve model with name extensiontype
by Tom Greenfield - Tuesday, 27 June 2017, 3:38 PM

Hi Adilison, I'm unable to replicate your original error on my authoring tool instance.

I have, however, amended MathJax along with a tweak to its bower JSON to try and solve your issue.

To update the plugin, please make sure it's been removed from any existing courses through Manage extensions and then upload a zip of the latest master in Plugin Management.

Picture of Adilson Cardoso
Re: Failed to retrieve model with name extensiontype
by Adilson Cardoso - Monday, 17 July 2017, 12:43 PM
Hello, Someone on the team removed the file, JSON was not loaded causing the Error. It has been fixed by replicating the file back to the server. Thank you all.