Picture of John Papworth
Assessment Woes
by John Papworth - Monday, 7 August 2017, 12:49 PM


Just a couple of questions relating to the creation of an assessment within a chapter.

I'd like to be able to have 10 questions - in or out of a pool (doesn't matter) and have each one be asked individually then once that has been answered and the feedback be given - it then display the next question until the assessment score is displayed.

Is this feasible from core?  Are there any settings I may be missing? Is there a quick reference guide to how these can be achieved?

Thanks in Advance


Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Assessment Woes
by Matt Leathes - Tuesday, 8 August 2017, 11:04 AM

Yes this is all possible, in fact if you look at the assessment section of the Adapt demo you can see it doing exactly that ;-)

You will need to use:

In fact, if you just set up a new course using the framework, the assessment that is contained in the 'out of the box' content that process generates does most of what you want - so I would suggest you do that, have a look at the settings applied to the OOTB course and then read the README and example.json for each of the above extensions to find out what other settings (such as question pooling/banking/randomisation) are possible.