Picture of Lars Halkjær
Assessment Result problems
by Lars Halkjær - Friday, 25 August 2017, 2:02 PM

I have upgraded a customer's AT to version 0.3.0, framework version 2.2.1.

But after the upgrade we have a problem with the assessmentResult component.

The text placeholders (e.g. {{{score}}}) is not resolved and appear literal in the feedback test.

I looked into the code, and I noticed that the stringReplace is removed in this version in favour of letting Handlebars.compile handle it.

The data seem to be there, but the Handlebars.compile just doesn't seem to do the replacing.

Is there something else we need to do differently in this version?

Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Assessment Result problems
by Matt Leathes - Tuesday, 29 August 2017, 11:24 AM

It may be that you have an old copy of the theme? We deleted all the handlebars templates from adapt-contrib-vanilla back in May (v2.1.0) so that only the versions in the core framework would be used.

If you still have a copy of these files in your theme then they will be overriding the core framework versions.

Specifically it's partials/component.hbs that's important. If you have a copy in your theme and you haven't changed it, either delete the theme's version or update it to be the same as the framework version.

Picture of Cormac O'Keeffe
Re: Assessment Result problems
by Cormac O'Keeffe - Friday, 3 August 2018, 1:32 PM

Thanks Matt, this saved me! 

I just added a - to the suffix:




As updating didn't work and I didn't want to delete them just in case.

Thanks again!