I am working on a project demo for a client, and the request is to make the course adaptive to the learner's existing knowledge level, within the Adapt Framework. They are looking to shorten training hours, especially as it applies to recurring compliancy courses (where there is a legal requirement to repeat the training on a specific interval, but where the actual content and objectives rarely change). The ability to test-out with a pre-assessment, or to review only those areas where the pre-assessment identifies gaps, is what they are asking whether can be done.
I reviewed the forum to see if anyone else had achieved or was trying to achieve this, found a number of people looking for a solution, and found a related-but-dated thread where there was discussion of a plug-in being worked on. (https://community.adaptlearning.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=604)
Does anyone know if this work is ongoing, can suggest a method for doing this, or whether any 3rd party vendors have had success? Thanks in advance.